Article request

BEFORE REQUESTING please check availability by searching for the

  • or searching the DIGITAL OBJECT IDENTIFIER (DOI) or PUBMED ID (PMID) using  LibKey


This is a service for registered library members undertaking NHS work; if you are not registered, application forms are available here.

For each article being requested please complete a fresh request form as fully as possible. We will email you with a status update by the end of the next working day, please contact the library directly if you do not receive this update.

I declare that I have not previously been supplied with a copy of the same material by you or any other librarian; I will not use the copy except for research for a non-commercial purpose or private study and will not supply a copy of it to any other person; and to the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to, at or about the same time as this request, a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose. I understand that if the declaration is false in a material particular the copy supplied to me by you will be an infringing copy and I shall be liable for infringement of copyright as if I had made the copy myself.